This is my first blog on my new website.  I have a great deal to catch up to… the years spent working with no outside contact.  The way in which my study and focus on human movement and condition provided a critically rich ground in which my artwork could flourish.  The recognition that ghosts only haunted that space and at some point they left me blissfully alone. I began work on this site not long before the external shut-down occurred and while I should write of waves of work and a tangible excitement on re-engaging – I cannot.  While progress moves forward in the studio and I am bolstered in making and re-making connections,  words have to turn to the time. 

The first month of quarantine has passed – likely the first of many.  While many urge leaders to “re-open”, all indications are that the pandemic will merely rebound where that occurs and exert itself upon our frayed ends and society’s gaping holes.  The divide between powers and constituency thins under this tension with a weakness on either end resulting in a resounding crack.  Tissue under tension has its point of rupture. The extremes imagine a return to some idea of normalcy as they imagine life was before to COVID 19;  yet, our landscape was far from normal, natural or wholesome prior.  Further, we have no reprieve from the moment when the past defines us but has no validity in the present.  Systemically, we are frayed and holey.  Clearly, where there is weakness, undetected or evident, biology has sought to clean and cull with only the severity and potency that it knows to dish up.  We are a deeply damaging a species. Nevertheless, nature will toss her head and flick a casual tail to dismount us.  If there was a time to marinate in the concept of universality and Interdependence, the moment of immersion is upon us.  As bleak as this might sound, hopeful should be the student of nature.  Walking in the wood today after heavy winds, there were trees and debris in my path.  Some had lain for less than a night and others for seasons.  Dodging a chaos of limbs, I was distracted by the erupting green as earth, bog and dead leave gave way to early shoots.  The same letters that form man, form all.  Wet, greasy, dense or light, the fabric is created from universal threads.  We have a unique opportunity to turn from continuing to claw at threads to cultivating repair.  The cloth can build resilient tension on the
